Varun Tej's last film, a spy thriller, Gandeevadhari Arjuna was released on August 25 with not much expectations. The film too faced similar fate and washed away from the theatres after its first week. This Praveen Sattaru directorial is mostly shot in UK with dumping medical waste and toxins from othe countries to India.
Though the concept is interesting, the treatment and screenplay played spoilsport in the film and even made the high octane chases look blanc with out emotional connect. Varun Tej Even learned how to use real guns for this film and got trained in it.
Gandeevadhari Arjuna will start streaming in Netflix fro September 24. Varun Tej needs to score a solid hit as solo hero. His last hit film as a solo hero was Gaddalakonda Ganesh in 2019.
Varun Tej's upcoming films involve Operation Valentine on December and Matka which is a full on mass commercial film. Meanwhile Varun Tej to marry his love Lavanya Tripathi in a destination wedding at Italy.