Best businessman Ramgopal Varma has changed the fortunes in Bollywood film making by starting his Factory. Nurturing the fresh talents, Varma has given really worthy craftsmen to the field enriching the Bollywood base. In parallel was a drawback following him and that is continuous making, release and disasters of sequel movies. Firstly, Varma has rejuvenated the old trend of making scary flicks and then making sequels for these devil stories. Obviously many failed to create an impression and the demand for horror flicks has come down.
Same seems to be applied in Tollywood and Varma’s student Praveen Sri has come up with this ‘Gaayam 2’ which followed the path of devil sequels in Bollywood. Taking up the thread of Guru Narayan coming out of prison and killing the family members of Durga (JB) and Anitha (Revathi) was more like coming up of devil soul from dead villains in Varma’s scary sequel flicks. If these devil souls try to haunt down the good in scary sequels; here in ‘Gaayam 2’ we find Guru Narayan and Co. haunting Durga.
Depending upon the fate of ‘Gaayam 2’ and Varma again stepping into Tollywood; we may get few more sequels for his earlier his films.