How Dinesh Naidu turned Vishwaksen. It's a common practice in the film industry for actors to adopt screen names different from their birth names. Megastar Chiranjeevi's original name is Sivashankara Varaprasad, and Mohan Babu's original name is Bhaktavatsala Naidu, among many others who have chosen to change their names.
Vishwak Sen is one such young actor who changed his name upon entering the industry. His real name is Dinesh Naidu, but he chose to go by Vishwak Sen for his film career.
He initially started his journey in films with the name Dinesh Naidu, even starring in a movie as a hero under that name. However, by the time the movie was released, his name had been changed to Vishwak Sen. This change came about because of a decision made at home based on numerology.
"I started my film career with the name Dinesh Naidu. Even during the making of the movie 'Vellipomake', my name was Dinesh Naidu. However, the release of the movie was delayed and eventually didn't happen. It was during this time that my family decided to change my name based on numerology, and that's how Vishwak Sen came into being. Surprisingly, things started falling into place for me after the name change. Just two weeks after the change, 'Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi' was released. While I may not completely believe in numerology, astrology, and vastu, I do respect those who do. In my case, changing my name seemed to have a positive impact on my career," Vishwak shared.