Mass Ka Das Vishwak Sen’s latest outing Gaami is going strong at the box office. Gaami was released worldwide amid decent buzz on March 8. The movie opened to positive reviews and appreciation is pouring in for all the crafts involved in the filmmaking. Gaami registered highest opening for Vishwak Sen.
The movie directed by Vidyadhar Kagita is registering good numbers all over. The movie is inching towards the breakeven mark in overseas and many areas in Telugu states. Going by the trend, it will certainly recover the investment in the rest of the areas on day three.
The movie which collected 9.07 Cr on day one, grossed 6.03 Cr on day two. The two-day worldwide collections stand at 15.10 Cr. Gaami is turning out to be the biggest grosser for Vishwak Sen. For instance, the film has collected Rs 2.25 Crore in Nizam area whereas the breakeven mark is Rs 2.5 Crores. It will surely reach the profit zone by today.
Gaami collected $110K on Saturday and the 3-day total stands at $398K in the USA. The movie will cross the half-million mark in the region. Karthik Sabarish has bankrolled the film while Chandini Chowdary, Abhinaya, Harika Pedda, Dayanand Reddy, Mohammad Samad seen in other key roles.