'Kaliyugam Pattanamlo' is an upcoming unique crime thriller produced by Nani Movie Works and Raamaa Creations starring Vishva Karthikeya and Aayushi Patel in the lead roles. Ramakhanth Reddy is the director and also story, screenplay, and dialogue writer for the movie. Produced by Dr. Kandula Chandra Obul Reddy, G. Maheswara Reddy, and Kattam Ramesh, this movie will be releasing on March 29th. The team is busy with promotional activities. Meanwhile, popular actor Naren Rama who played a crucial role in the movie interacted with the media.
Naren Rama is a close relative of senior actor Gummadi. The senior actor was the grandfather of Naren Rama. That's how he got interested in movies from the beginning. Though Naren's parents are Telugu, they settled in Chennai. Thus, Naren pursued his career in the Tamil film industry also.Naren, who has done many ads and films, has done three films in Tamil as a hero and one film as a villain. He appeared in a pivotal role in the path-breaking film Vikram. Naren is going to make an entry in Telugu cinema with Kaliyugam Pattanamlo, where he played a key role.
While I was looking for opportunities, the co-director of this film, my well-wisher Sai Trived called me and gave me this offer. Director Ramakhanth Reddy saw my profile and gave his nod. My role is a meaty one. I liked the story. That's why I came on board to do this film. The director was cool and calmly gave me suggestions whenever needed. I’m willing to work with him again.
Hero Vishwa Karthikeya has already done many films as a child artiste. He is now doing as a hero. We discuss any scenes and Both of us used to discuss and act on the set. The combination scenes between the two of us turned out very well. Heroine Ayushi is a good girl. I don’t have a much rapport with her. But whenever we meet, she speaks coolly.
Producers Nani Anna and Mahesh Anna are also very close. They are like brothers. Cameraman Charan has shown me very well. I liked the title song and Amma song in the movie. Ajay gave good music.
It is a must-watch thriller that gives a great theatrical experience. This movie is going to be released on March 29th. The movie has already got a good buzz with the teaser and trailers. I request those who liked the movie to give their feedback to others. The movie will reach to all sections of audiences. We went on college tours in major cities. It has got a good response in all places. We hope everyone will come and watch the movie.
I went to Kadapa for the first time for the shooting of the ‘Kaliyugam Pattanamlo'. Most of the shoot was done in Kadapa. It is shown as a place with faction people in movies, but it is very peaceful there. The people there are also very supportive'.
Naren Rama is coming soon with a movie called WHO in Telugu. He has some Tamil films in the pipeline.