Popular Kannada actress Pavitra Jayaram, also known in Telugu for her role as Thilottama in ZEE Telugu's serial Trinayani, has died in a tragic road accident. The accident occurred in Sheripalli, Bhutpur of Mahbubnagar district in Telangana, when the car she was traveling in collided with an RTC bus after hitting a divider in the early hours of May 12.
Pavitra Jayaram's death has shocked the television industry, with Zee Telugu TV channel expressing deep sorrow over her sudden demise. She was a beloved member of the Telugu TV family, with her portrayal of Tilotthama in Trinayani winning hearts of the audience.
Pavitra hails from the Mandya region of Karnataka, Pavitra Jayaram initially started her acting career in Kannada TV industry with serials like Jokali, Robot Family, and Galipata. She made her mark in Telugu with serials like Ninne Pelladatha, but it was her role in Trinayani that catapulted her to fame.
The news of her passing has deeply saddened the entertainment community, and tributes are pouring in for the talented actress across social media platforms. Pavitra Jayaram's contribution to the television industry, especially in Kannada and Telugu serials, will be remembered fondly by her colleagues, fans, and viewers alike. May her soul rest in peace.