The trailer launch of Vedaa, starring John Abraham and Sharvari, has been making headlines for its intense and action-packed content. However, the event took an unexpected turn when John Abraham lost his cool over a question about his films being repetitive. The actor was asked to do "kuchh naya" (something new), which led him to lash out at the journalist, asking if they had even seen the film.
John Abraham defended his movie, stating that it's a different kind of film with an intense performance from him. He requested the audience to not judge the movie based on the trailer alone. The actor seemed to calm down later, jokingly telling the press to watch the film first before criticizing him.
Vedaa, directed by Nikkhil Advani, tells the story of a young girl's fight against oppression and her quest for social justice. The action-thriller features Abhishek Bannerjee as the antagonist and includes cameo appearances by Tamannaah Bhatia and Mouni Roy. The movie is set to release on August 15, 2024.
The trailer of Vedaa has generated significant buzz, with fans eagerly awaiting the film's release. Despite the controversy at the trailer launch, John Abraham's passion for the project is evident, and audiences are excited to see him in this intense new role.