Mohanlal, dressed in his Army uniform, visited the relief camp in Wayanad, which was recently hit by a devastating landslide. The actor announced that he would contribute Rs 3 crore towards rehabilitation efforts through his ViswaSanthi Foundation. The foundation, started in honor of his parents, will also make additional contributions if needed. Mohanlal also pledged to help rebuild Mundakkai LP School, which was destroyed in the calamity.
The actor praised the rescue efforts of the Army, police, relief workers, and health workers, calling them "commendable." He noted that the scale of the disaster is evident from the aerial view, making it one of the worst calamities India has faced. Mohanlal emphasized that while nothing can replace what has been lost, his foundation is committed to providing support.
Mohanlal's ViswaSanthi Foundation will provide Rs 3 crore to support relief work in Wayanad. The actor's contribution is a significant step towards helping the affected communities rebuild their lives. His pledge to help rebuild Mundakkai LP School is also a testament to his commitment to supporting education in the region.
Mohanlal's visit to the relief camp and his announcement of financial support have been widely appreciated. His efforts will undoubtedly make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by the landslide. The actor's philanthropic work through ViswaSanthi Foundation is a shining example of his dedication to giving back to society.