The Diary Of West Bengal is a gripping crime drama that tells the story of Suhasini, a Hindu woman from Bangladesh, played by Arshin Mehta, who escapes genocide with the help of Islamic radicals, only to face a new set of challenges. The film boasts exceptional performances from its cast, including Yajur Marwah and Ramendra Chakarwati, and excels in production quality, with impressive action sequences, cinematography, VFX, and location choices.
The film's direction by Sanoj Mishra is crisp and bold, addressing the unhealed wounds of Bangladeshi Muslims who faced brutal torture and violence. The music adds to the tension, making the narrative not only understood but also felt. While the storytelling is real, it takes time to settle into the film and understand the non-linear storytelling, and some scenes may appear too graphical for a section of the audience.
The Diary Of West Bengal is a hard-hitting film that highlights the subject in the most honest way, leaving the viewer on the edge. The film effectively portrays the plight of tribal people caught between police forces and insurgents, facing pressure from both sides. With its strong performances, impressive production quality, and bold direction, the film is a must-watch for those who appreciate crime dramas.
Overall, The Diary Of West Bengal is a thought-provoking film that sheds light on the unspeakable violence and brutal torture faced by Bangladeshi Hindus. With its raw and honest portrayal, the film is sure to leave a lasting impact on its viewers. While it may take time to settle into the film's non-linear storytelling, the end result is a cinematic experience that is both captivating and disturbing. The film gained traction as it reflects the current scenario of Bangladesh as well as ongoing RG Kar Medical College ghastly incident.