Actor Silambarasan TR's X account (Twitter) was hacked on Friday, resulting in crypto-related information being shared on his handle. The posts were later removed, and his team is currently working to rectify the situation by changing passwords and contacting X's technical team. However, they have yet to receive a response from the social media platform's tech team.
This incident marks the first time Silambarasan's X account has been hacked. His team is actively working to resolve the issue and regain control of his account.
Meanwhile, Silambarasan is busy filming for his upcoming movie, Thug Life, directed by Mani Ratnam and featuring an ensemble cast, including Kamal Haasan, Trisha, Gautham Karthik, Aishwarya Lekshmi, and Joju George. The film's music is being composed by AR Rahman.
In addition to Thug Life, Silambarasan is also working on STR 48 with director Desingh Periyasamy. Despite the hacking incident, the actor remains focused on his upcoming projects, which are highly anticipated by his fans.