Siddu Jonnalagadda's upcoming film, Telusu Kada, has wrapped up its first schedule in Hyderabad, marking a significant milestone in the production. Directed by Neeraja Kona, a renowned stylist making her directorial debut, the film is being produced by TG Vishwa Prasad under the banner of People Media Factory. The team has completed 50% of the shoot and is gearing up for the next schedule.
The first schedule, which lasted for a month, saw the filming of crucial scenes featuring Siddu Jonnalagadda, Raashi Khanna, Srinidhi Shetty, and Viva Harsha. The movie's first song, starring Siddu Jonnalagadda and Raashi Khanna, was also canned during this period. The working stills from the sets reveal a pleasant atmosphere, hinting at the positive vibe on set.
Telusu Kada boasts a high budget and lavish production quality, with Gnana Shekar Baba handling the cinematography and National Award-winning editor Naveen Nooli taking care of the editing. The film's cast includes Siddu Jonnalagadda, Raashi Khanna, Srinidhi Shetty, and Viva Harsha, with music composed by Thaman S.
The team is glad with the output so far, and the film's progress is moving at a fast pace. With Neeraja Kona at the helm, Telusu Kada promises to be a stylish and entertaining ride, showcasing Siddu Jonnalagadda in a new and stylish avatar. The film's next schedule is eagerly awaited.