Siddhu Jonnalagadda's Tillu franchise has taken Tollywood by storm, with the first two films achieving phenomenal box office success. Producer Naga Vamsi has confirmed that Tillu Three is in the works, with story development underway.
The Tillu series' popularity can be attributed to Siddhu Jonnalagadda's captivating performance and comedic timing. The romantic crime comedy franchise, produced by Naga Vamsi under Sithara Entertainments, has garnered widespread acclaim.
Directed by Vimal Krishna, DJ Tillu (2022) launched the franchise co-starring Neha Shetty, followed by Mallik Ram's Tillu Square (2023), co-starring Anupama Prameswaran. Tillu Three's pan-India potential remains uncertain, but its Telugu release promises significant box office openings.
As Siddhu Jonnalagadda's stardom grows, expectations for Tillu Three are high. Will the franchise maintain its comedic and crime-filled charm? Fans eagerly await updates on the third installment's casting, release date, and direction.