Aamir Khan banner praises Pushpa The Rule. Till now, there has been intense discussions regarding the silence of Bollywood celebrities over the sensation of Allu Arjun's Pushpa The Rule which is breaking all records at the box office. Many attributed to the insecurity among top Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Ranbir Kapoor as a Telugu dubbed film broke the records in Bollywood with Hindi version even weeks after its release is collecting more money than the latest Bollywood releases.
Now, slowly and steadily top production houses started congratulating Pushpa The Rule makers and also Allu Arjun. Recently top production house Yash Raj Films showered praises on Pushpa The Rule for the sensational performance and Allu Arjun duly thanked it.
Now, Mr.Perfectionist Aamir Khan banner showered praies on Pushpa The Rule. Aamir Khan Production posted "Huge congratulations from AKP to the entire team of Pushpa 2: THE RULE 🎉🎊 for the blockbuster success of the film! Wishing you continued success onwards and upwards. Love. Team AKP"
Allu Arjun thanked :"Thank You very much for your warm wishes . Wam Regards to the entire team of AKP "