Gandhi Tatha Chettu, starring Sukriti Veni Bandreddi, daughter of renowned director Sukumar, is set to release on January 24th. Produced by Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings, and Gopi Talkies, this Padmavathi Malladi directorial narrates a young girl's uplifting tale of saving her grandfather's tree through peaceful resistance.
The film highlights the principles of Ahimsa, ecological balance, female empowerment, and harmony. Love, coexistence, peace, hope, and empathy are central themes. Sukriti Veni won the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for Best Child Artist and accolades at Dubai and Indian Film Festivals.
Gandhi Tatha Chettu received multiple awards, including Best Picture at the 11th Noida International Film Festival and Jury Best Film at Jaipur and New Delhi Film Festivals. Producers Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar, and Sesha Sindhu Rao present this meaningful drama.
With cinematography by Srijitha Cheruvupally and Vishwa Devabattula, music by Ree, and editing by Hari Shanker TN, Gandhi Tatha Chettu promises an emotionally moving experience. This conscious film shares a story of peace and love, offering hope and positivity amidst turmoil.