Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli's upcoming jungle adventure film officially launched Thursday. Defying his 18-year sentiment, Mahesh attended the puja ceremony, usually represented by wife Namrata and kids.
Tollywood circles reveal Mahesh's superstition: attending film launches curses the project. However, for Rajamouli, he made an exception. This collaboration sparks excitement, dispelling doubts about Mahesh's willingness to fulfill Rajamouli's vision.
Mahesh's presence signifies commitment to this project. Rajamouli's direction and Mahesh's acting prowess promise a global blockbuster. This partnership breaks Mahesh's sentimental barrier, indicating new beginnings.
The film's launch ceremony photos are circulating on social media. Mahesh's decision to participate demonstrates trust in Rajamouli's creative genius. This collaboration aims to create box office records, blending Mahesh's charm with Rajamouli's mastery.