Kalki makers reveal the tension over Amitabh Bachchan injury. Big B Amitabh Bachchan is a demi god and enjoys tremendous fan following across the world. He played the powerful role of Ashwathamma in Prabhas' sci fi thriller Kalki 2898 AD first part. However during the shoot, Amitabh Bachchan suffered injuries and Nag Ashwin speaking to scribes revealed the scares the entire unit experienced.
Nag Ashwin said I think Bachchan sir is still a child in his heart. He loves action films. In fact, he is the OG action hero of our country, right? I think just the idea of the action excited him a little,” He added He knew it was challenging, and something special. He took that leap of faith. In fact, he was one of the first people we approached for Kalki. I think both Prabhas and him were approached around the same time,”
He revealed “When he had that catch, we didn’t know what to do. We were like ‘India is going to scold us now’ and all of us were scared. But yeah, Bachchan sir knew what it takes.” Nag Ashwin shared “He used to tell us stories about the kind of action sequences he used to be a part of in his heyday. He told us about the injuries he suffered. In fact, whenever Bachchan sir and Prabhas are working together, they speak about action sequences, injuries, etc… and we’d be in awe,”