Pushpa 2 has achieved another milestone, entering the prestigious Rs 1000 crore club in Hindi markets. Its Hindi nett collection stands at Rs 710 crore in India, with a gross of Rs 860 crore. Overseas, the film has garnered $16 million+, securing its place among the highest-grossing Hindi films.
Pushpa 2 joins Shahrukh Khan's Pathaan and Jawan as the third film to surpass Rs 1000 crore gross in Hindi. Projections indicate an additional Rs 50 crore gross in Hindi. Notably, it's the first film to cross Rs 700 crore net in India, with potential to reach Rs 750 crore+.
Globally, Pushpa 2: The Rule has amassed close to Rs 1800 crore. As its theatrical run nears conclusion, industry experts await its final tally. Director Sukumar's vision, Allu Arjun's performance, and the film's engaging narrative have contributed to its phenomenal success.
Pushpa 2's achievements underscore its impact on Indian cinema, solidifying its position as a landmark film in 2024. Its commercial success and cultural relevance will be remembered for years to come.