Pawan Kalyan new poster from Hari Hara Veera Mallu before Maata Vinali. All eyes are on Pawan Kalyan's upcoming project Hari Hara Veera Mallu. The film directed by Jyothi Krishna is slated for a spectacular release on 28 March 2025. The film is releasing in two parts and the first part is titled Hari Hara Veera Mallu-Sword vs Spirit.
In the meantime movie lovers are waiting eagerly for the song Maata Vinali. The song is sung by none other than Pawan Kalyan himself and fans are super excited. The song will be released on 6 Jan 2025 at 9.06 AM and ahead of the song release, the makers came up with a new and impactful poster.
Sharing the poster, the makers posted "The Much-awaited #HariHaraVeeraMallu ~ 1st Single drops on Jan 6th at 9:06AM.". Pawan looked seriously engrossed while singing the song holding a dapli. Bobby Deol is the antagonist and the film features Nidhi Agerwal as the female lead.
Music is tuned by Keeravani and Nora Fatehi, Nasser, Sunil, Raghu Babu, Subbaraju are playing important roles.