Dy CM Pawan, Ram Charan shocked at tragedy during Game Changer pre-release. Tragedy struck when two youngsters Arava Manikanta and Thokada Charan, from Kakinada after attending the Game Changer pre-release event at Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh, passed away when a van hit their bike while they were returning.
Game Changer team expressed their condolences and already Dil Raju donated Rs 10 lakhs to the bereaved family members. Now AP Dy CM Pawan Kalyan and Game Changer hero Ram Charan also stepped in and donated Rs 5 lakhs each to each of the family members.
Ram Charan expressed his shock saying “We always pray for our fans’ safety. This is a very unfortunate incident, and I share the families’ pain.”
In the meantime, Game Changer is directed by Shankar and is slated for release on 10 Jan 2025. The film stars Kiara Advani and Anjali as female leads while Thaman tuned music.