Ajith Kumar's fans received a mixed bag of news recently. While Vidamuyarchi's postponement from Pongal release has left audiences disappointed, Good Bad Ugly's release date has been confirmed for April 10. According to sources, Vidamuyarchi faces challenges, making its release uncertain, but makers aim for end-January or February.
Good Bad Ugly, directed by Adhik Ravichandran, features Trisha as female lead alongside Prabhu, Prasanna, Arjun Das, Sunil, Rahul Dev and Yogi Babu. Devi Sri Prasad composes music, reuniting with Ajith after Veeram (2014). Abinandhan Ramanujam handles cinematography, Vijay Velukutty edits, and Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar produce under Mythri Movie Makers.
Initially slated for Pongal, Good Bad Ugly's release was deferred for Vidamuyarchi. However, Vidamuyarchi's postponement due to unforeseen circumstances has changed plans. Magizh Thirumeni directs Vidamuyarchi, produced by Lyca Productions. Fans await updates on Vidamuyarchi's new release date.
Ajith Kumar's Good Bad Ugly promises action-packed entertainment. With its April 10 release, fans can look forward to an exciting cinematic experience. Vidamuyarchi is also expected to release during January end or February.