Game Changer tamil release in doubts. Ram Charan's Game Changer directed by Shankar is slated for grand release on 10 Jan 2025. Excitement is on among movie lovers as it kickstarts the Sankranti/ Pongal celebrations.
In the midst of all this dark clouds are hovering around Game Changer putting its release in doubts. Lyca Productions, the producers of Shankar-Kamal Haasan's Indian 2 requested Tamil Film Producers Council to stop the release of the film's Tamil version.
Lyca alleged that Shankar after Indian 2 concentrated on Game Changer and stopped Indian 3. Shankar is yet to complete a song and few important portions in Indian 3 and when Lyca asked him to complete the remaining part ,Shankar demanded Rs 50crs as production cost and Rs 30crs as his salary.
Lyca refused as Indian 2 turned out to be disaster and wanted Shankar to work without salary getting ready only to pay the production cost of Rs 50crs. It has to be seen where this issue will lead to