Ajith to practice despite accident for Dubai 24H. Kollywood actor Ajith is renowned for his daredevilry stunts on screen and also as an avid bike and car racer in real life. He went on many bike and car rallies and even participated in many and everyone got excited when he along with his team decided to participate in the 24H Dubai 2025,
However during the practise session yesterday, his race car met with an accident but he had a miraculous escape. But inside talk is Ajith is undeterred and he is set to practise today. Ajith's manager Suresh Chandra said Ajith was practicing for hours to take part in the race that will happen on January 11. During one of the sessions, his car hit one of the walls and spun multiple times. The front part of the vehicle was damaged. He will resume practice today."
Fabien Duffieux, one of the members of Ajith Kumar, revealed that the actor was safe and had no scratch despite the crash. The race will start from 11 Jan 2025. Ajith is set to make his debut in the Michelin 24H SERIES. He is set to compete in the Porsche 992 class of the 24H Dubai 2025, alongside his teammates Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux, and Cameron McLeod. The race will happen on 12-13 Jan 2025.