Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas' upcoming occult thriller, directed by Ludheer Byreddy and produced by Mahesh Chandu under Moonshine Pictures, has generated immense interest. The high-budget film, co-starring Samyuktha, revolves around a centuries-old Dasavatara temple. On Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas' birthday, the makers unveiled the title glimpse, showcasing breathtaking action sequences.
The title glimpse begins with miscreants attempting to destroy the sacred temple, followed by Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas' powerful entry, accompanied by a lion, wild boar, and eagle. Symbolism is woven throughout: fish leap in fury, a tortoise watches intently, and the hero's tattoo mirrors the snake deity. As the protagonist thwarts the destruction, he showcases spectacular force, culminating in the title reveal: "Haindava," resonating with Hinduism's essence.
Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas exudes rugged presence, complemented by Shivendra's exceptional camerawork. Leon James' powerful backdrop score elevates the spiritual atmosphere. Ludheer Byreddy's direction shines, displaying clear vision in portraying Vishnu avatars.
Moonshine Pictures' production values, CG work, editor Karthika Srinivas R's expertise, and art director Srinagendra Tangala's contributions enhance the experience. With 35% of filming complete, the title glimpse has sparked curiosity.