The highly anticipated Telugu film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, has finally hit theaters worldwide. Directed by the renowned Shankar, the film has been making waves with its grand visuals and captivating storyline. As fans eagerly await the film's OTT release, we have some exciting news to share. Game Changer's OTT partner has been revealed, and it's none other than Amazon Prime Video. The leading OTT company has acquired the digital rights of the film for a whopping amount, with plans to release it eight weeks after its theatrical run.
Game Changer boasts an impressive cast, including Anjali, SJ Surya, Srikanth, Sunil, Naveen Chandra, and Rajiv Kanakala, among others. Produced by Dil Raju under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, the film has been released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages. With its grand visuals and captivating storyline, Game Changer is getting a good response from audiences worldwide. Ram Charan's performance, in particular, has been praised, with fans and critics alike hailing his portrayal as amazing.
One of the film's standout features is its technical brilliance, particularly in the song "Jaragandi," which has been praised for its grandeur. Another notable aspect is the song "Nana Hairana," which was shot using an infrared camera, a first for an Indian film. Although the song was not included in the theatrical release due to technical reasons, it is expected to be added to the film from January 14. With a whopping Rs. 75 crores spent on the songs alone, Game Changer is a true visual spectacle.
Game Changer is expected to make its digital debut on Amazon Prime Video in the second or third week of February, eight weeks after its theatrical release. Meanwhile, Zee Studios has acquired the satellite rights of the film. With its grand visuals, captivating storyline, and stellar cast, Game Changer is a must-watch for fans of Indian cinema.