Trinadha Rao Nakkina, the director of the upcoming film Mazaka, has sparked outrage on social media for his derogatory comments on actress Anshu's size at the teaser launch event. The event, held in Hyderabad on Sunday, was meant to promote the film, but Trinadha Rao's remarks have stolen the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Anshu, who is making a comeback after two decades with Mazaka, looked visibly embarrassed by the comments.
Trinadha Rao's comments were not only derogatory but also objectifying. He started off by expressing his excitement about working with Anshu, who had previously acted in Nagarjuna's 2002 film Manmadhudu. However, he soon veered off into uncomfortable territory, making comments about Anshu's size and appearance. He even asked the audience if she still looked like she did in her Manmadhudu days, and then proceeded to tell her that she needed to put on weight to fit the Telugu cinema mold.
This is not the first time Trinadha Rao has made headlines for his questionable behavior. In 2024, he had made actor Payal Radhakrishna uncomfortable on stage by repeatedly asking her for a hug despite her clear discomfort. Trinadha Rao's behavior has sparked outrage on social media, with many calling him out for his misogyny and lack of respect for women.
The backlash against Trinadha Rao is a reminder that women in the film industry deserve respect and dignity, and that objectifying comments and behavior will not be tolerated. Anshu, who is making a comeback after two decades, deserves better than to be subjected to such derogatory comments. The incident has also raised questions about the culture of misogyny and objectification in the film industry, and the need for greater respect and inclusivity.