The highly anticipated pre-look of Virat Karrna as Rudhra from the upcoming Pan-India film Nagabandham has been unveiled, sparking significant excitement ahead of the release of the first look poster. Rana Daggubati unveiled the first look poster, which presents Virat Karrna in a striking and rugged appearance, sporting curly hair, a beard, and a chiseled physique. The poster showcases Karrna in an audacious avatar, fearlessly battling a menacing crocodile in the ocean.
Nagabandham is shaping up to be an epic adventure, with its tagline "The Secret Treasure" hinting at the thrilling journey ahead. The movie is being produced by Kishore Annapureddy under NIK Studios, in collaboration with Abhishek Pictures. The film combines spiritual mysticism with thrilling adventure, featuring an impressive ensemble cast, including Nabha Natesh and Iswarya Menon as female leads, and Jagapathi Babu, Jayaprakash, Murali Sharma, and B.S. Avinash in supporting roles.
The movie explores the hidden secrets of India's ancient Vishnu temples, specifically focusing on the sacred practice of Nagabandham. Inspired by recent treasure discoveries at temples like Padmanabhaswamy and Puri Jagannath, the story dives into the captivating mythology surrounding these divine locations and the enigmatic rituals designed to safeguard them. The film brings these age-old mysteries to life with a fresh, modern narrative.
Nagabandham is progressing with its shoot and will be released in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages in 2025. With a talented team of technicians, including Soundar Rajan S handling cinematography and Abhe providing music, the film is expected to be a visual treat. The movie's dialogues are written by Kalyan Chakravarthy, with Santosh Kamireddy handling editing and Ashok Kumar contributing as the art director.