Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan got a huge shock when he found an intruder into his house in Bandra, Mumbai and when he questioned him and tried to protect him from harming his inmates and domestic maid, the intruder stabbed him six times before escaping.
Saif Ali Khan underwent multiple surgeries in Lilavati Hospital,. Mumbai and doctors revealed that he is currently stable. Now it is coming out that encounter specialist Daya Nayak is investigating the Saif Ali Khan case.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam shared “An unidentified person intruded the residence of actor Saif Ali Khan. The actor and the intruder had a scuffle. The actor is injured and is being treated. Investigation is going on."
Daya Nayak who joined the force in the 1995 quickly went on a mission to eliminate the underworld mafia and indulged in more than 80 encounters. Many films and even CID serial is inspired by the real life incidents that happened in Daya Nayak's life.