Now that Ram Charan-Shankar's Game Changer is done and dusted, the duo started concentrating on their upcoming projects. It is known that Ram Charan is concentrating on his next RC16 which is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Buchhi Babu Sana.
Ram Charan thanked all the fans for loving and supporting Game Changer and decided to move on without making any fuss. Shankar too after saying that he did not like Game Changer though he made more than 6 hours duration shoot most of which remained unused, now started concentrating on Indian 3 starring Kamal Haasan.
Shankar speaking to scribes shared that the film has few scenes left to be shot over and has extensive usage of VFX and shared that it will require another 6 months for its completion.
Indian 3 is the sequel to Indian and Indian 2 and stars Kajal Agarwal and Rakul Preet Singh as the female leads.