Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was recently attacked by a goon in the early hours of the morning and is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital. According to the police, the goon came to steal and was caught, after which he attacked Saif with a knife to escape. Fortunately, doctors have stated that Saif Ali Khan is out of danger.
However, this is not the first time Saif Ali Khan has been attacked. In an interview given last year, Saif spoke about a past attack on him that occurred at a nightclub in Delhi. Saif had politely declined to dance with two girls who approached him, which led to a confrontation with one of the girl's friends. The boy scolded Saif and hit him on the head with a whiskey glass.
Saif recounted that the boy attacked him again in the washroom and threatened to kill him. Fortunately, Saif was able to escape after the people at the nightclub intervened. Saif's past experience is a testament to the fact that he has faced similar situations before and has come out strong.
As Saif undergoes treatment in the hospital, fans and celebrities are posting messages wishing him a speedy recovery. Saif's entire family is currently by his side in the hospital. The incident has sent shockwaves through the Bollywood community, and everyone is hoping for Saif's quick recovery.