The Telugu film industry, popularly known as Tollywood, is currently plagued by the issue of bad publicity. Negative talk has become a significant headache for directors and producers working on films featuring star heroes. With the ongoing star wars, some fans are engaging in excessive negative propaganda, affecting the performance of movies at the box office. Recently, producer Sirish made some sensational comments about the negative publicity surrounding the movie Game Changer, which was released on January 10.
Sirish's comments have sparked a discussion in Tollywood, with many wondering who was behind the bad publicity and negative talk about the Game Changer movie. The film, produced by Dil Raju, had a significant budget and was highly anticipated. However, many film luminaries made negative comments about the film. Sirish's statements have raised questions about the intentions of those who created negative publicity around the Game Changer movie.
The issue of bad publicity and negative talk is a significant concern for the Telugu film industry. If this trend continues, it may impact the performance of Tollywood movies at the box office. The Game Changer controversy has brought this issue to the forefront, and it remains to be seen how the industry will address this problem.
As the debate surrounding the Game Changer controversy continues, fans and industry insiders are eagerly waiting to see how this issue will be resolved. With the rise of social media, it has become easier for negative publicity and propaganda to spread quickly, affecting the reputation of films and the industry as a whole.