The gripping action thriller "Identity" is set to release in Telugu on January 24, 2025, after achieving blockbuster success in Malayalam. Directed and written by Akhil Paul and Anas Paul, the film features an ensemble cast led by Tovino Thomas and Trisha, with Vinay Rai, Mandira Bedi, and others in pivotal roles. Released in Malayalam earlier this year, the film grossed over ₹50 crores within two weeks, becoming one of the first big hits of 2025.
With edge-of-the-seat suspense and numerous twists, "Identity" promises to keep viewers glued to the screen. The film's action-packed storyline and thrilling narrative have already made waves, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. The movie is being presented to Telugu audiences by Movie Max Srinivas Mamidala in collaboration with Sri Vedakshara Movies Chintapalli Ramarao.
The film boasts a talented cast and crew, including director and writers Akhil Paul and Anas Paul, producers Raju Malliyath and Roy CJ, cinematographer Akhil George, music composer Jakes Bejoy, and editor Chaman Chacko. With its compelling storyline and stellar performances, "Identity" is all set to provide a thrilling cinematic experience for action lovers in Telugu states.
Mark your calendars for January 24, 2025, to catch "Identity" in theaters. The film's release is highly anticipated, and fans are eagerly waiting to experience the edge-of-the-seat suspense and action-packed thrills that "Identity" has to offer.