Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh's husband Jackky Bhagnani suffered injuries in the set when the ceiling collapsed. The incident happened when the makers were shooting a song for the movie 'Mere Husband Ki Biwi' at the Imperial Palace, Mumbai.
Ashok Dubey from the Federation of Western India Cine Employees sharing the details, said “The song was being shot at Imperial Palace in Royal Palms, when the ceiling of the location collapsed, injuring Arjun Kapoor, Jackky Bhagnani, and Mudassar Aziz. Since the location has been there for a long time, the vibrations from the sound caused the set to tremble, leading the further portions to tremble off,”
Ashok Dubey said that they have written a letter to Chief Minister, the Deputy Chief Minister, and the BMC to highlight the safety concerns.
Vijay Ganguly, the choreographer revealed “We were shooting a song, and the first day went well. On the second day, everything was going fine until around 6 PM when we were taking a shot. We were on the monitor when suddenly the ceiling collapsed. Luckily, it fell in parts and we had a trough to protect us. Had the entire ceiling fallen on us, it could have been disastrous, but many people still got hurt. These old locations are often used for shoots, and as production companies we are sure that the safety measures are checked. However, many a times the safety of the location isn't properly verified before it is offered for shooting.”