VD12 reaching the finish line. Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda's upcoming project under the direction of Gowtham Tinnanuri is progressing at a brisk pace. According to the latest, the film is nearing the finish line and inside talk is the makers already wrapped 90% of the shoot.
Now, the makers are gearing up to shoot the high ocrtane climax. The makers created an extravagant special set at RFC for the purpose. Vijay Devarakonda currently is practicing unique stunts for the climax shoot. Once the climax shoot is completed,the makers will complete the balance song shoot.
Vijay Devarakonda will sport a rugged look in the film. The makers already confirmed that the film will have a sequel. Movie lovers are now waiting eagerly for the film's teaser and trailer and other promotions. Rumours have it that beautiful Bengali star Bhagyashri Borse will be the female lead and Satyadev is planning the negative role in the film.