Mega Power Star Ram Charan's latest film, Game Changer, directed by Shankar, received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. Despite its grand release on January 10th during Sankranti, the film was leaked online on the same day, and its collections were affected due to negative campaigns. However, fans are now eagerly waiting for its OTT release, and the latest update is that Game Changer will be streaming on Amazon Prime from February 14th.
The film's OTT rights were acquired by Amazon Prime, and it is expected to be released on the platform on Valentine's Day. While the film did not impress in theaters, some sequences are expected to impress the OTT audience, particularly the scenes between Ram Charan and S.J. Surya. The film's OTT release is awaited.
Game Changer's theatrical run was affected by various factors, including negative campaigns and piracy. However, its OTT release is expected to be a game-changer, allowing the film to reach a wider audience and generate more revenue. The film's streaming on Amazon Prime is expected to start from midnight on February 13th.
With its grand action sequences, performances, and Shankar's direction, the film is expected to change its fate on OTT. Fans can now mark their calendars for February 14th and get ready to watch Game Changer on Amazon Prime.