Rumors have been circulating on social media for the past two days that AR Rahman has left Ram Charan Buchibabu project. However the team has recently denied these rumors clarifying that they are false. Despite the team denial the rumors had been gaining traction claiming that Devi Sri Prasad had replaced AR Rahman as the music composer.
The team response to the rumors has brought clarity to the situation confirming that AR Rahman is still on board and has already completed three to four songs for the film. With this confirmation fans can now look forward to the film release without any unnecessary speculation. Ram Charan Buchibabu project has been generating huge expectations and with AR Rahman music the film is gaining more attention.
The film shooting is progressing at a rapid pace with some scenes already shot in Hyderabad and Mysore. Ram Charan has been allocating his time to the project and it is reported that he will finish the film soon and then focus on his next project with Sukumar. The makers are planning to release Buchibabu movie this year itself and with the team denial of the AR Rahman exit rumors fans can now eagerly await the film release.
As the film shooting progresses fans can expect more updates and sneak peeks into the project. With AR Rahman music and Ram Charan acting, Buchibabu movie is expected to be a treat for fans. The team denial of the exit rumors has brought a sigh of relief to fans and they can now look forward to the film release without any unnecessary speculation. The film latest schedule will commence from January 27.