The much-awaited trailer launch event of Thandel, starring Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi, has been announced to be held at Vizag Sri Rama Picture Palace on January 28. The makers have revealed that the trailer launch will take place at 5 pm, and to build up the excitement, they have released a trailer prelude. The prelude gives a hint about what the trailer will be like, with the makers saying that "from this festival onwards, our Thandel will be the king."
The trailer prelude has created suspense among fans, who are eagerly waiting to know the meaning of "Thandel." The makers have kept the suspense going by saying that the meaning of Thandel will be revealed tomorrow, along with the trailer launch. Based on real-life incidents that took place in Gujarat in 2018, Thandel is a romantic drama film directed by Chandoo Mondeti.
The film is being produced by Bunny Vasu under Geetha Arts, with Allu Aravind presenting it. Anirudh Ravichander is providing the music and background score for the film. Thandel marks the third collaboration between Naga Chaitanya and Chandoo Mondeti, and fans are excited to see what this combo has in store for them.
With its trailer launch just around the corner, Thandel is generating immense buzz among fans and film enthusiasts. The film's romantic drama genre, combined with its real-life inspiration and talented cast and crew, makes it a highly anticipated release of the year.