Tollywood star actor Chiranjeevi is currently busy with back-to-back movies, and one of the most highly anticipated films is Vishwambhara. Directed by Vasishtha Mallidi of Bimbisara fame, this socio-fantasy film features Trisha as the female lead, along with Ashika Ranganath, Ramya Pasupuleti, Surabhi, Esha Chawla, and Ashrita Vemuganti Nanduri in key roles. Recently, director Vasishtha shared a photo with music legend MM Keeravani, expressing his excitement about the music sittings and the rushes prepared for the audience.
The photo has gone viral on social media, and fans are eagerly waiting for more updates about the film. While there are reports that Vishwambhara will be released on May 9, the makers have not yet confirmed the release date. The film is being produced by Vamsi and Pramod Vikram under the banner of UV Creations, with MM Keeravani providing the background score and music. The title look and concept video of Vishwambhara have already generated millions of views and are creating a buzz about the film.
The VFX part of Vishwambhara is expected to live up to the audience's expectations, making it a visual treat. With a talented cast and crew, Vishwambhara is shaping up to be one of the most exciting films of the year. Chiranjeevi's fans are eagerly waiting to see him in this socio-fantasy film, and the collaboration with MM Keeravani and Vasishtha Mallidi has raised the expectations even higher.
As the release date of Vishwambhara approaches, fans can expect more updates and sneak peeks into the film. With its impressive cast, crew, and VFX, Vishwambhara is poised to be a blockbuster hit in the world of Tollywood cinema.