Upasana lovely wishes to Chiranjeevi mother goes viral. Mega Star Chiranjeevi mother Anjana Devi is celebrating her birthday today. Mega family is celebrating the occasion like a festival and in the meantime Upasana lovely wishes to Anjana Devi is winning the hearts of all and it is going viral on social media.
Upasana shared her snap with Anjana Devi and posted Happy Birthday to the most caring disciplined Nainama. Love living with you. Check out our post yoga glow. Btw she never misses a class. Truly inspiring.
In the meantime Ram Charan Upasana husband is busy with his upcoming projects. He is busy with RC16 and RC17 and expectations are soaring as the films are directed by Buchhi Babu Sana and Sukumar respectively.
Ram Charan recent political thriller Game Changer which released amidst huge expectations during Sankranti failed to set the screens on fire.