Dulquer Salmaan has bought the Malayalam distribution rights for the upcoming film Paradha, starring Anupama Parmeswaran and Darshana Rajendran. The social drama's teaser was recently released at a grand ceremony, and while the makers are yet to announce a release date, Dulquer Salmaan's production company, Wayfarer Films, will be releasing the film's Malayalam version worldwide. This move marks Dulquer's foray into film distribution, with Paradha being one of his first major projects.
The Pravin Kandregula directorial will be released in both Telugu and Malayalam languages. Dulquer Salmaan's Wayfarer Films had previously distributed the Kiran Abbavaram starrer thriller KA in Kerala theaters. Paradha's cast includes Sangitha Krish and Rag Mayur in supporting roles, with music composed by Gopi Sundar. The technical team consists of Dharmendra Kakarla as the editor and Mridul Sujit Sen as the cinematographer.
With Dulquer Salmaan's Wayfarer Films on board, Paradha is expected to receive a wide release in Malayalam-speaking regions worldwide. The film's themes and social commentary are likely to resonate with audiences, and Dulquer's involvement is expected to generate significant buzz. As the release date for Paradha approaches, fans are eagerly waiting to see how the film will be received by critics and audiences alike.
The acquisition of Paradha's Malayalam distribution rights by Dulquer Salmaan's Wayfarer Films marks a significant development in the film's release strategy. With a strong cast, crew, and distribution partner in place, Paradha is poised to make a significant impact on the Malayalam film industry.