Shraddha Das, the oomph oozing lady after trying the enough luck in South is planning to move back Mumbai very soon. She is to focus on Bollywood career as her latest film ‘Dil Toh Bachcha Hai Ji’ proved successful. Shraddha did the good role opposite Omi Vaidya in the flick and this brought good recognition too.
Actually Shraddha is born in Mumbai for Bengali parents. The actress had a flat in Andheri and from some time after ‘Arya 2,’ she was planning to shift her base. Fortunately Venky’s ‘Nagavalli’ made her to sit back in Hyderabad for few more days. As Shraddha is going back to Mumbai, she is excited about furnishing and painting the new flat and then concentrate on the work. By the way, there is news that Madhur Bhandarkar is planning to bring a sequel to ‘Dil Toh Bachcha Hai Ji.’