As we are nearing to the end of June month, heart beat of Telugu movie lovers will increase gradually as we go deep into the month of July. We have top directors bringing their respective projects ready for release all the way from first week of July till the last week. As per the market trend and current mania, every where there is a unique opinion on Rajamouli and his ‘Eega’ standing on front foot compared to Trivikram and Puri’s ‘Julaayi’ and ‘DCM’ releasing in later weeks of July.
Even by release norms, July 6th is very much in favor of ‘Eega’ because neither we do have any significant opposition (market stood stale post ‘Gabbar Singh’). On the other side, Jakkanna’s marketing strategies for ‘Eega’ have definitely outshined other directors. Not an exaggeration but it is true that audiences in B & C class centers are also discussing on ‘Eega’ and the CG works. Thanks to Rajamouli’s enlightening techniques. Let us see, how will be the scenario by end of July.