King Nagarjuna continues to show his versatility by doing a wide range of hero characters. One more such attempt coming tomorrow to near by your theatres is ‘Shirdi Sai’ in the direction of Raghavendra Rao. There are high expectations on the movie due to super hit audio of Keeravani already doing the half of honors required for a super hit flick. Sharing his experiences on how ‘Shirdi Sai’ changed his life, Nag went on to say…
‘I visited Tirumala for the darshan of Lord Balaji numerous times. This is the first time my team of ‘Shiri Sai’ has gone for the blessings of Venkateshwara Swamy and I could sense my self the ability to connect easily with God. All this is because of ‘Shirdi’ Sai,’ the one film which changed my attitude and life style. I’ve become more spiritual and trying to analyze more on changes happening in my life. While coming out from the temple of Balaji, I could feel the difference and joy which is quite contrasting from my earlier visits. Now a days, I am quite comfortably enjoying the perception of speaking with god.’