The memory would have been so sweet if Ileana's very Bollywood debut venture of 'Barfi' has made it to final Oscars. But, this tender romantic flick is no more in the race. Selected in Foreign Language Film Category, 'Barfi' hasn't found the place in Academy's final nine list announced. These nine films (without 'Barfi') will go to next round of voting for 85th Academy Awards.
Overall, 71 best movies were selected from all over the world and 'Barfi' was one among them. The exemplary performances of Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana in the direction of Anurag Basu were given thumbs up by critics and general audience as movie crossed Rs.100 Crore mark in collections. Finally, it could not make Indians so proud by failing on final front of Oscars. So sorry...Ileana.