As sources in film circles are strongly confirming the release of Pawan Kalyan’s new movie ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi’ by August first or second weeks with audio to be planned in next month. As of now, Pawan, Smaanta and Trivikram are in Spain shooting some interesting scenes. On one side, Power Star Fans are quite happy with the way movie is fast progressing towards meeting the deadline but their concern on whether Trivikram will hear their voice on changing the title or not is still unanswered.
Ever since, the above title is finalized for the film Fans are not so happy because it sounds more like a name for B grade movie. So, continuous requests are flown by Fans and general audience to look for other appropriate title. Hope that, once team arrive sin Hyderabad…Pawan will have a chat with Trivikram and find an alternative title for replacement.