The much awaited film of Telugu remake of Bollywood hit ‘Oh My God’ will assume a shape very soon. Popular producer Daggubati Suresh Babu who bagged the remake rights from Akshay Kumar for a fancy price is sitting on a tight script to launch the project at the earliest possible in next year. The interesting conflict between presence of God and there is nothing like God was received well by audience and even critics praised the subject as brand new close to Indian hearts.
Initially, Suresh Babu wanted Venkatesh to play the character of Akshay Kumar (Lord Krishna) and Rajendra Prasad as Paresh Rawal. The latest development is Tamil hero Vikram may reprise Akshay Kumar and Venkatesh might fit into Paresh Rawal role. Anyways, it is still a budding idea in Suresh Babu’s brain which will take a solid shape in coming days. As of now, Venky is committed for ‘Radha’ in Maruthi’s direction.