This could be the end for all sorts of damaging rumors and speculations disturbing the career of hero Nani who rose to good fame with a series of good movies. With ‘Paisa’ becoming a big hurdle for many of his upcoming films, after too much of anticipations the film is arriving in theatres all over the world on February 7th. In fact, every one was waiting for ‘Jenda Pai Kapiraju’ cleared for the date of February 14th to be followed by ‘Aha Kalyanam’ but the sudden announcement from producer about ‘Paisa’ is sreally surprising.
As we all know, ‘Paisa’ directed by Krishna Vamsi with Catherine Tresa as heroine completed the censor formality long ago. Story and narration will be hard hitting at current day political scenarios where corruption and power has become the regular terms. After a lot of hard work and dedication put in by the team, let us wish that ‘Paisa’ springs a surprise hit at BO.