Pawan Kalyan is these days often seen in public attending any of the film or private functions. Today, he is the chief guest at Walk for Heart, Reach for Heart inauguration at Necklace Road where Power Star Fans and general audience gathered in huge numbers to make the event successful. Most importantly, they wanted to see Pawan and hear his words.
Without disappointing the gathering, Pawan spoke some valuable words. ‘If politicians are busy doing politics playing with the health of common people, foundations like Hrudaya Spandana come to fore for helping those in need. When Governments fail, these kinds of organizations help the poor. I appreciate them for the efforts put in. I am here today only to reiterate my voice and responsibility that I am with you people. They approached me with a good cause and I’ve readily accepted to become a part of this program,’ Pawan Kalyan raised his voice. Isn't this Pawan speaking some real facts about politics?