One Malayalam version of ‘Drishyam’ has encouraged three top stars of South Indian film industry to vie for a superb hero characterization. After Mohan Lal putting up an extra ordinary show in Malayalam, later was the turn of Kamal Hasan in Tamil, Ravichandran in Kannada and Venkatesh in Telugu to get into the skin of a struggling father to save his family from a murder mystery. While the Kannada version directed by P Vasu is released to a thumping response and Ravichandran has put a commanding show, now Venkatesh is also appreciated in Telugu despite a weak first half.
Now, Kamal Hasan is the only hero left to be tested with the Tamil version because the actor is busy wrapping up ‘Uththama Villain’ and arranging the release of ‘Vishwaroopam 2.’ Critics and normal film goers who well have the idea of Kamal’s versatility are saying it confidently that, Kamal can emerge as top among all the four ‘Drishyam’ films.