Legendary film maker Dasari Narayana Rao’s ‘Yerra Bassu’ is all set for a grand release on 14th of this month. This is Telugu remake of ‘Manja Pai’ which also has Manchu Vishnu, Catherine Tresa in other leads. Film deals with human relations and the way people are forgetting human values running behind modern day comforts for better livelihood. Vishnu plays a Software Engineer and grandson to Dasari while Catherine is his love interest.
‘Any other artist can be made suitable for my character in film but central role is tailor made only for Dasari garu. There is no Telugu artist who can do better justice than Dasari for this. Such is the intensity and emotions in his character. There is one scene in climax where in I would address him as ‘Thatha’ and he turns towards me. In this one shot, he posed an expression which is mind-blowing and unbelievable. Dasari garu is a superb artist and ‘Yerra Bassu’ is a trend breaking film,’ Vishnu said.