Music director Chakri’s death is a big loss to Telugu cinema. Chakri’s talent came into limelight under the friendship of director Puri Jagannath. They both began the career almost at same point of time and supported each other while growing big in career. There are many musical hits in combination of Chakri and Puri. Some of them are, ‘Bachi, Itlu Shravani Subramanyam, Idiot, Amma Nanna O Tamil Ammayi, 143, Sivamani, Andhra Wala, Desa Muduru, Neninthe, Golimaar.’ Such is the magnanimity of professional bond between these two.
Before leaving the music studio at 1 AM on the day of death, Chakri spoke to his office boy. ‘Don’t know why but my heart is pulling to see brother Puri.’ These are last words Chakri spoke and the same day early in the morning he is no more. Puri felt so sad for missing one of his best friends.